
Semen For Sale


If interested contact Marilyn at kickadeehill@aol.com

For pictures of bucks and/or their relatives click here



GCH +*B 40 Crossing Handsome Hank 9-03 91(EEE)   DNA Typed
Sire: ++*B Aspen Hill’s Tammy’s Charlton
SS: GCH ++*B White Acre’s Cecilia’s Cameron
SD: GCH Aspen Hill’s Tammy *M
Dam: 40 Crossing Artemis Crystal 4*M
DS: Sundown Herd Nedifer
DD: GCH Walnut-Bottom J-R Artemis 3*M


Hank was our first Saanen buck. He was a tremendous general appearance sire. Hank appraised 91 at 9 years old, back in the day when 91’s were nearly unheard of. Hank also increased butterfat.

Hank's Kickadee Hill page


SG ++*B Cherrypines Stand Out   8-06 91(EEE)           DNA Typed
Sire: ++B Saanendoah Standard Issue
SS: SGCH ++*B Companeros Hallelujah Standard
SD: Saanendoah Shenille
Dam: SGCH Cherrypines Super Starlet 2*M
7-00 92(EEEE)
DS: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack
17 Permanent Champion daus
DD: GCH Hagen’s Acre Zina *M


Stand Out is one of the best sires of the last decade. He was Premier Sire in 2009, 2010, and 2012. He was sire to the 2012 Reserve National Champion. The last time I checked the ADGA genetics page, Stand Out had 20 Permanent Champion daughters; 26 daughters who appraised 90 or higher (with two that are 93’s); 41 SG daughters. Stand Out himself appraised 91 at 8 years old in a commercial dairy. What a guy!

*B Cherrypines Who’s Your Daddy  5-06 90(EEE)        DNA Typed
Sire: SG++*B Cherrypines Stand Out 8-06 91(EEE)
Dam: GCH Cherrypines Henny Penny 3*M 3-02 89(VVEE)
DS: +*B Cherrypines Singing Bob 4-05 90(EVE)
DD: GCH Cherrypines Ethel Sweetwater 2*M
3-02 90(VVEE) 2007 National Champion


Daddy is a Stand Out son by Henny Penny, daughter of the 2007 National Champion. Daddy improves area of udder attachment and feet.

GCH *B Keach Manor Doc Hollywood 1-05 86(VVV)             DNA Typed
Sire: SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor 5-03 89(VEE)
SS: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack
17 Permanent Champion daus
SD: SGCH Des Ruhigestelle Loreleah 3*M 7-03 91(EEEE)
Dam: GCH Hoanbu WMV Martini Midori 4*M
DS: ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
DD: Hoanbu Stuckup Margi Martini 3*M 3-03 89(VEEV)
DDS: GCH Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up


Hollywood is a handsome buck with pretty feet and legs. He is a son of our buck, Doc, who was a tremendous udder buck. Hollywood’s dam was a very stylish doe with a socked on udder. Hollywood’s littermate sister, Betty, is also a Permanent Champion. Betty has the typical Spin Doctor udder – very high and wide, strong medial and pretty little teats.

*B Kickadee Hill Cool Clyde 1-03 88(VEE)
Sire: SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor 5-03 89(VEE)
SS: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack
17 Permanent Champion daus
SD: SGCH Des Ruhigestelle Loreleah 3*M 7-03 91(EEEE)
Dam: Willow Run Alejandro Carlina 5*M
2-09 249 2770 110/4.2% 99/3.6%
DS: ++*B Willow Run Ampherage Alejandro
DD: Willow Run Hallmark Carlita 4*M


Clyde was a handsome Doc son. We bought his dam Carlina from Willow Run and lost her when she kidded with Clyde. She was a huge doe with an amazing udder.

CH *B Kickadee Hill Don’t Know Jack                          DNA Typed
Sire: GCH +*B Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up
SS: +*B Windsor-Manor DD Stormfront
SD: GCH Willow Run Ritesdfred Snuggle 2*M
5-04 92(EEEE)
Reserve Best Udder 2008 National Show
SDD: GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk *M 
2004 National Champion
Dam: GCH Kickadee Hill WMV Jorgette 6*M
2-04 89(VEEE) (first freshening)
DS: : ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
2004 Premier
DD: SGCH Kickadee Hill Jeena  5*M 2-03 87(+VEE)


Jack is a buck that we sold as a kid and were lucky enough to find again as a older buck. The poor fellow has changed hands several times. One owner finished Jack and one of his daughters. We have our first kids since his return. His daughters Kickadee Hill DKJ Allison and Kickadee Hill DKJ Anna Lou are really pretty little girls with amazing escutcheons. Jack’s dam, GCH Jorgette, was our best Victor daughter. She was huge and had a high wide rear udder with a smooth fore and lovely teats and teat placement. We are delighted to have gotten the chance to get Jack back home where he belongs.

Jack's Kickadee Hill page

CH *B Kickadee Hill Gez Uncle Lonnie 2-02 90(EVE)    DNA Typed
Sire: CH *B F-I-L IM Edward
SS: +B Kids-A-Lot IM Joshua 4-04 90(VEE)
2006 Premier Sire
SSS: ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
2004 Premier Sire
SD: GCH McQuitty-Farm K Estella *M
Dam: SGCH Kickadee Hill WB Geez Louise 5*M
4-02 92(EEEE)
DS: SGCH +*B Willow Run SK Wooly Bully 7-01 91(EEE)
DD: Kickadee Hill Sweet Lorraine 4*M


Lonnie was the best general appearance buck we’ve ever owned. When I complained at appraisal that he was only scored 90, the appraiser said that he doesn’t give a 2 year old buck a 90 or an E in general appearance, and he gave both to Lonnie. He has one GCH daughter so far who appraised 90. Lonnie’s dam was a long lactation doe who finished her Permanent Championship and won Best in Show while milking through on the second year of her lactation. SGCH Louise was a grand doe! You can expect beautiful general appearance and pretty feet from this boy.

Lonnie's Kickadee Hill page

*B Kickadee Hill NJ Go Ask Albert
Littermate sister is GCH Kickadee Hill Go Ask Arlena 4*M
One Day Test 3-04 537 days fresh  11.1# milk  4.7% butterfat
Sire: +*B Noble-Springs AS Smilin’ Jack
SS: SG +*B Alize Sloan’s Artic Shine
SSS: ++*B Willow Run Victor Sloan 2-02 89(VEE)
SSD: SGCH Loughlin’s Talut Arctic Glow *M
5-01 91(EEEE)
SD: Noble Springs Jazelle *M 
2008 Junior National Champion
3-10 305 1710 63/3.7% 49/2.9%
4-10 303 2930 101/3.4% 83/2.8%
5-10 305 2950 82/2.8% 84/2.8%
Dam: GCH Willow Run Diesel Go Ask Alice 3*M
3-02 91(EEEE)
DS: +*B Windsor Manor SK Diesel 1-02 87(VEE)
DSS: SG ++*B Willow Run V.Q. Scorpion King
DD: SGCH Willow Run Dreammaker Arlene 2*M
5-04 92(EEEE)
DDS: SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker
 Sire of 2 National Champion & 1 Reserve National Champ


Albert’s dam SGCH Alice is the foundation of our current herd. Alice was linebred on Dream Maker, so you know she was all about pretty general appearance, huge area of udder attachment, and eye-popping extended fore udder. If every daughter Albert had looked just like his dam, we would be delighted.  Albert’s sire Jack brought rear udder height and stature, along with some Dream Maker breeding of his own in his background. We own Albert’s littermate sister, Arlena, who is a Permanent Champion with Best in Show wins to her name both as a milker and as a kid. We sold Albert as a yearling, and bought him back in 2015 in time for breeding season. Albert is off and running with a 2016 daughter in our barn. Albert does not have any milking daughters yet, but I expect glamorous rumps, fore udder, pretty feet and size from him.

Albert's Kickadee Hill page

SGCH +*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor 5-04 89(VEE)      DNA Typed
4 Permanent Champion daughters
Sire: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack 17 Permanent Champion daus
SS: ++*B Miss Willa’s Nero Wolfe
SD: SGCH Colquitt’s Jenifer *M 6-00 90(EEEE)
Dam: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Loreleah 3*M
5-04 90(VEEE) 7-03 91(EEEV)
One Day Test: 3-02 14.0# milk & 4.2% bft; 8-02 9.3# milk & 4.2% bft
DS: SGCH ++*B Des Ruhigestelle Equus 7-04 91(EEE)
1994 Premier Sire
DD: SGCH Nu-Togg-A-Saan Leah Anne 2*M 9-03 91(EEEE)
Life 1036 10500 398/3.8% 327/3.1%

$75 each

Doc was the buck who put us on the map. He was an incredible udder buck – high and wide rear udder, perfect teat placement, small teats, strong medial, and a long fore udder. Doc had 5 Permanent Champion daughters and 5 SG daughters. Several of the Doc daughters we had averaged 4% butterfat on DHI standard test. If you need to improve udders, Doc is the man.

Doc's Kickadee Hill page

*B Kickadee Hill UL Army Brat                                     DNA Typed
Sire: CH *B Kickadee Hill Gez Uncle Lonnie 2-02 90(EVE)
SS: CH *B F.I.L. IM Edward
SD: SGCH Kickadee Hill WB Geez Louise 4-02 92(EEEE)
Dam: GCH Kickadee Hill JD Go Ask Andrea 5*M
 4-02 92(EEEE)
One Day Test 4-00 65 days fresh 13.5 # milk 3.8% butterfat
DS: *B Kickadee Hill WRS James Dean
DSS: GCH +*B Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up
DSD: GCH Kickadee Hill WMV Jorgette 6*M  
2-04 89(VEEE) (first freshening)
DD: GCH Willow Run Diesel Go Ask Alice 3*M
3-02 91(EEEE)
DDS: +*B Windsor Manor SK Diesel 1-02 87(VEE)
DDD: SGCH Willow Run Dreammaker Arlene 2*M
5-04 92(EEEE)


Army Brat, A.K.A. Marty, is a handsome son of SGCH Andrea’s. His first daughter freshened this year with an udder much like Andrea’s. We have a dry yearling in the barn who is a Marty daughter, and she has the prettiest escutcheon I’ve ever seen. Looks like Marty is going to be an udder buck.

Army Brat's Kickadee Hill page

*B Kickadee Hill WMV Arlo 2-03 90(VEE)
Sire: ++B Windsor-Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE) 2004 Premier Sire - 16 Permanent Champion daughters
Dam: SGCH Willow Run Dreammaker Arlene 2*M 
5-04 92(EEEE)
DS: SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker
Sire of 2 National Champion & 1 Reserve National Champ

$75 each

Arlo is a Victor son of our original “A” goat who we bought when Willow Run was going out. Arlo has three Permanent Champion daughters. Arlo greatly improves udder attachment, udder width, overall udder shape, and teat size.

Arlo's Kickadee Hill page

*B Kickadee Hill WMV Gabriel 2-04 92(EEE)
Sire: ++B Windsor-Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
2004 Premier Sire - 16 Permanent Champion daughters
Dam: GCH Kickadee Hill Morning Glory 6*M
5-02 90(VVEE)
DS: SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor 5-03 89(VEE)


Gabe was tall and long and handsome. He was sweet and easy to handle. His dam Glory was one of all-time best show does and Gabe was just as pretty. His sire Victor and his maternal grandsire Doc were both great bucks for us. Gabe has one Permanent Champion daughter.

Gabriel's Kickadee Hill page

*B Kickadee Hill WRS James Dean
Sire: GCH +*B Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up
SS: +*B Windsor-Manor DD Stormfront
SD: GCH Willow Run Ritesdfred Snuggle 2*M
5-04 92(EEEE) Reserve Best Udder 2008 National Show
SDD: GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk *M 
2004 National Champion
Dam: GCH Kickadee Hill WMV Jorgette 6*M
2-04 89(VEEE) (first freshening)
DS: : ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
2004 Premier Sire
DD: SGCH Kickadee Hill Jeena  5*M 2-03 87(+VEE)
DDS: SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor 5-03 89(VEE)


James Dean, A.K.A. Jimmy, was a huge buck. Our best daughter from Jimmy was SGCH Kickadee Hill Go JD Go Ask Andrea 5*M 4-02 92(EEEE). She earned her star on One Day Test with 4-00 65 days fresh 13.5 # milk 3.8% butterfat. Jimmy’s dam GCH Jorgette was our best “J” goat. She was huge and powerful with a socked-on udder. Jimmy’s sire is Stuck, whose dam Snuggle earned Reserve Best Udder of Breed at Nationals in 2008 and is the daughter of the 2004 National Champion.

+*B Sartyr PR Oscar
Sire: SG ++*B Willow Run DRZ Atlas
SS: ++*B Willow Run Dr. Zhivago
SSS: ++*B White Wave Legend Shiatsu
SSD: GCH Windsor Manor TRD Diamond
1995 Reserve National Champion
(full sister to Dream Maker)
SD: GCH WSU/VMP Alexandria 3-03 90(VEEE)
1996 And 1997 Reserve National Champion
SDS: ++*B WSU/VMP Sebastian
SDD: GCH WSU/VMP Clover 3&M 6-04 88(VEEV)
Dam: GCH Sartyr Cascade Octavia 4*M
DS: SG ++*B Companeros Cascade


Oscar has 4 Permanent Champion daughters, and 4 daughters who have appraised 90-92. Oscar’s pedigree boasts 3 Reserve National Champions (Alexandria won two consecutive years!). I saw Oscar in person at Willow Run. He was a very long bodied fellow. Oscar’s sire is WR Atlas, who had 12 SG daughters and 5 permanent Champion daughters. Expect size, big wide level rumps, fore udder and pretty feet from this fellow.

*B Tempo Passa Stand Out Everett                        DNA Typed  ETA +58 +59
2014 Young Sire List #2 on 1:2 #5 on 2:1
Full sister:  SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elenya 10*M 5-04 93(EEEE)
Sire: SG++*B Cherrypines Stand Out  8-06 91(EEE)
2009, 2010, 2012 Premier Sire
Sire of 2012 Reserve National Champion
20 Permanent Champion daughters (15 are SGCH)
26 daughters appraised 90+ (two are 93’s)
41 SG daughters
SS: ++B Saanendoah Standard Issue
SD: SGCH Cherrypines Super Starlet 2*M 7-00 92(EEEE)
SDS: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack
17 Permanent Champion daughters
Dam: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elende 9*M
4-05 92(EEEE); 5-05 92(EEEE); 7-04(EEEE); 8-04(EEEE)
1-01 223 1683 51/3.0% 52/3.0%
1-11 305 3657 112/3.1% 112/3.1%
3-00 296 3240 98/3.0% 99/3.0%
4-00 305 3360 98/2.9% 94/2.8%
5-00 305 4132 127/3.1% 113/2.7% 2011 Top Ten
6-10 305 3422 106/3.1% 95/2.7%
Ext.  345 3720 115/3.1% 103/2.8%
2013 ADGA National Show Total Performer
2013 1st Place Dam & Daughter with Elenya (full sister)
DS: +*B des Ruhigestelle Rising Sun
DSS: +*B des Ruhigestelle Lochivar
DSD: GCH des Ruhigestelle Sunset 7*M
DD: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elendili 8*M 6-05 92(EEEE)
1-00 1050 33/3.1% 31/3.0%
2-00 305 3240 108/3.3% 95/2.9%
3-00 302 4005 151/3.8% 118/2.9% 2007 Top Ten
4-00 283 3480 127/3.6% 105/3.0%
5-00 296 3590 130/3.6% 106/3.0%
6-01 291 2970 102/3.4% 84/2.8%
2009 ADGA National Show Total Performer
2009 1st Place Dam & Daughter with Elende
DDS: SG +*B Companeros Jude
DDD: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elentara 7*M 
7-11 91(EEEE)
1-07 305 3691 135/3.7% 114/3.1% Top Ten
2-08 267 2700 107/4.0% 83/3.1%
3-06 395 3496 130/3.7% 108/3.1%
4-07 313 3302 113/3.4% 96/2.9%
5-07 305 3719 156/4.2% 111/3.0% Top Ten


Everett is my Dream Buck. His pedigree has it all – SGCH, Top Ten lactations, appraisal scores of 91+, National Show winners, long & level lactations – with a dam who is an incredible brood doe.

Everett’s dam Elende is third generation that has done all three: SGCH, appraisal score of 91-92, and a Top Ten lactation. Elende has four daughters from four different sires who have  all appraised 91-93, all are SGCH’s, one is Top Ten, two have extended lactations. Elende’s dam was Total Performer at the 2009 National Show, and Elende earned Total Performer in 2013. Elende was 1st Place Dam & Daughter with her dam in 2009, and was 1st Place Dam & Daughter again in 2013, and this time as the dam. What a fabulous doe line!

Everett’s full sister, SGCH Elenya appraised 93 as a 5 year old, after appraising 91 or 92 each year in her younger years. Elenya has milked two extended lactations, beginning with a 570 day lactation as a yearling. Beautiful, correct, AND a long and level lactation

Everett’s sire is Stand Out, who appraised 91 as an 8 year old in a commercial dairy. Stand Out has sired 20 Permanent Champions and 41 offspring who have earned their SG designation

Everett’s first kids are a delight! He is a consistent sire with kids who are long, tall, fast-growing kids with perfect teat placement and open escutcheons. You better like wattles, though. Out of 30+ kids from a variety of does, every single kid has wattles!

Everett's Kickadee Hill page

SG +*B Willow Run Alejandro Bijan
Sire: ++*B Willow Run Ampherage Alejandro
SS: ++*B Clovertop’s Ampherage
SD: GCH WSU/VMP Alexandria 3-03 90(VEEE)
1996 And 1997 Reserve National Champion
SDS: ++*B WSU/VMP Sebastian
SDD: GCH WSU/VMP Clover 3*M 6-04 88(VEEV)
Dam: SGCH Willow Run Dream Bianca 5*M
4-01 91(VEEE)
1999 Res National Champion & 2000 National Champion
DS: SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker
Sire of 2 National Champion & 1 Reserve National Champ
DD: Windsor Manor WMT Snow Queen 4*M
1993 Junior National Champion


Bijan is sire to SGCH Willow Run Bijan Raychelle who was the Colorama Sale milking doe at the 2004 National Show. She sold for $3600. She was gorgeous! Bijan’s pedigree is packed with National Show winners on both sides of his pedigree. Bijan’s dam Bianca, a Dream Maker daughter, was a Reserve National Champion in 1999 and National Champion in 2000. His sire’s dam Alexandra was Reserve National Champion two consecutive years.

++*B Willow Run Amph Stimulator
Sire: ++*B Clovertop’s Ampherage
SS: ++*B Clovertop’s Philo
SD: GCH Clovertop’s P Amaldeena 5*M
Dam: GCH Willow Run Satin 6*M 
1999 National Champion
DS: ++*B WSU/VMP McKinley
DSS: SG ++*B des Ruhigestelle Levi
DD: SG Singing Spruce Ace Velvet 5*M
DDD: GCH Singing Spruce Talis Valiera 5-04 91(VEEE)




Stimulator’s dam was the 1999 National Champion. She was a huge doe! Stimulator has 8 Permanent Champion daughters.  I saw several of the Stimulator daughters at Willow Run. They were huge and milky like Satin. They all had board level toplines and sharp shoulders. You can certainly expect to improve stature and production with Stimulator.

SG +*B Willow Run Atlas Teaque
Sire: SG ++*B Willow Run DRZ Atlas
SS: ++*B Willow Run Dr. Zhivago
SSS: ++*B White Wave Legend Shiatsu
SSD: GCH Windsor Manor TRD Diamond
1995 Reserve National Champion
Full sister to SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker
SD: GCH WSU/VMP Alexandria 3-03 90(VEEE)
1996 And 1997 Reserve National Champion
SDS: ++*B WSU/VMP Sebastian
SDD: GCH WSU/VMP Clover 3*M 6-04 88(VEEV)
Dam: SGCH Willow Run Tess 2*M 6-01 92(EEEE)
2001 Reserve National Champion (As a 6 year old!)


Teaque was a Spotlight Sale buck in 2002. His dam was SGCH Tess, who was Reserve National Champion in 2001 as a 6 year old. This is another pedigree full of National Champions on both sides of the pedigree. His sire is Atlas, a son of 2-time Reserve National Champion Alexandria. Teaque has 2 Permanent Champion daughters and 5 with SG designation.

GCH +*B Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up
Sire: +*B Windsor-Manor DD Stormfront
SS: +*B Windsor Manor SO Dream Diamond
SSS: +*B Sartyr PR Oscar
SSD: SGCH Windsor Manor Dreambaby*M 2-04 89(VEEE)
SD: SGCH WMDM Stormy *M  4-00(VVEE)
SDS: SG ++*B Windsor Manor WMT Dream Maker
Sire of 2 National Champion & 1 Reserve National Champ
Dam: GCH Willow Run Ritesdfred Snuggle 2*M 
5-04 92(EEEE) Reserve Best Udder 2008 National Show
DS: +*B Willow Run Stim Ritesdfred
DSS: ++*B Willow Run Amph Stimulator
DSD: GCH Willow Run Too Beautiful For You 7*M
DD: GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk *M
2004 National Champion


Stuck was the gentlest soul I ever encountered and he passes his sweet nature to his offspring. He is son of Snuggle, the 2008 Reserve Best Udder and maternal sibling to the 2014 National Champion/Best Udder. I saw Stuck’s dam at Nationals, and her udder was simply amazing. Huge area of attachment, high wide rear, pretty teats, and tons of milk.  Stuck has the best feet I’ve ever seen on a Saanen, and he passes those lovely feet  to his offspring.

Stuck's Kickadee Hill page

++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91(EEE)
2004 Premier Sire
16 Permanent Champion daughters
Sire of 2003 National Champion
Two Top Ten daughters
8 daughters appraised 90+
Sire: SG ++*B McQuitty-Farm Allison’s Ammo
SS: +B Gold Lobo Westfork’s Jake
SD: GCH McQuitty Farm Allison 2*M
1996 National Champion
Dam: Windsor Manor Perfect Vanilla 3-02 90(EEEV)
DS: +*B Tim Tam Perfect Timing
DD: SGCH Windsor Manor CJC Veronica *M
6-03 91(EEEE)

$150 each

Victor was an amazing sire. He was the 2004 Premier Sire, and his son Joshua was Premier Sire is 2006. Victor is sire to the 2003 National Champion and countless top placings in the classes at Nationals. Victor has 16 Permanent Champion daughters. Victor’s daughters are big, powerful does who are board level with wide level rumps. Their udders have lots of width, strong medials, and pretty fores.

Victor's Kickadee Hill page