Kickadee Hill WRS Look at Liz  AS1442751  
Born 3/20/08

Earned Dry Leg and Best Junior Doe in Show

LA 0-03  V(VEcV)

Sire:  CH Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up 3-05 88(VVE)
SS: Windsor Manor DD Stormfront                                                   
SSS *B Windsor Manor SO Dream Diamond                                                          
SSD: SGCH Windsor Manor WMDM Stormy  4-00 90 (VVEE)
SD: Willow Run Ritesdfred Snuggle 5-02 92(EEEE)
SDS: +*B Willow Run Stim Ritesdfred
DDD: GCH Willow Run Ansell Smirk *M 2004 National Champion

Dam: SGCH Kickadee Hill WB Geez Louise 5*M 4-02 92(EEEE)
1-10  268  2483  87/3.5%  67/2.7%                                                   
DS: *B Willow Run SK Wooly Bully   1-03 88 (+EVE) 4-01 90 (VEE)          
DSS: +*B Willow Run VQ Scorpion King                                          
DSD: Willow Run Dream Jacuzzi 1*M
DD: Kickadee Hill Sweet Lorraine 4*M 2-02  88 (+EEE)
2-00 231 1803 63/3.5% 51/2.9%
DDS: GCH +*B Des Ruhigestelle Eraser 4-01 90 (VEE)                 
DDD: SGCH Des Ruhigestelle Loreleah 3*M 7-03 91 (EEEV)
One Day Test 3-02 14.0# milk 4.2% bf; 7-03 11.8# milk 4.1% bf; 8-02 9.3# milk 4.2% bf   

Liz descends from a very strong doe line that excels in general appearance. This doe line has incredibly smooth front ends and stand on excellent feet and legs the whole way around. Liz is continuing the family tradition of excellence. She was 5th Place Intermediate Kid at the 2008 National Show. Liz also earned her dry leg by earning Best Junior Doe in Show in both rings at the only show she attended this show season.


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