Kickadee Hill AAA My Beatrice 6*M AS2093437       

DOB: 4/6/2020


Beatrice at 3 years

LA 3-04 89 (VEVE)

Sire: *B Kickadee Hill All About Arlo 2-05 87(VEV)
SS: SG+ *B Tempo Passa Stand Out Everett
Full sibling 2017 National Champion SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elenya 10*M 5-04
93 (EEEE) Sire of 2018 Junior National Champion Keach Manor EV Liberty|
Sire of 6 Permanent Champions

SSS: SG++*B Cherrypines Stand Out  8-06 91(EEE)
20 Permanent Champion daughters, 40 SG daughters,
Sire of 2012 Reserve National Champion and 2017 National Champion
SSD: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elende 9*M5-02 92 (EEEE) 8-04 92(EEEE)
5-00 305 4132 127/3.1% 113/2.7% 2011 Top Ten
2013 ADGA National Show Total Performer
2013 1st Place Dam & Daughter with Elenya (full sister to Everett)
SD: Dam: GCH Kickadee Hill NJ Go Ask Arlena 4*M 5-04 90(VEVE)
SDS: DS: +*B Noble-Springs AS Smilin’ Jack
SDD: SGCH Willow Run Diesel Go Ask Alice 3*M 3-02 91 (EEEE)

Dam: GCH Keach Manor KHSD Nurse Betty 5*M 5-01 91(VEEE)
DS: SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor
DSS: SG ++*B Colquitt’s Wolfman Jack
DSD: SGCH des Ruhigestelle Loreleah 3*M 5-04 90 (VEEE) 7-03 91 (EEEV)
One Day Test: 3-02 14.0# milk, 4.2% butterfat; 8-02 9.3# milk, 4.2% butterfat
DD: GCH Hoanbu WMV Martini Midori 4*M
DDS: ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor 7-03 91 (EEE) 2004 Premier Sire
DDD: Hoanbu Stuckup Margi Martini 3*M 3-03 89 (VVEV)

Beatrice’s mother Betty is a daughter of our own SGCH ++*B Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor, who was one of the best udder bucks we ever owned. Betty is a GCH in her own right as well as appraising 91 as a 5 year old. Betty is second generation Permanent Champion. Betty’s sire SGCH Kickadee Hill Spin Doctor has 5 Permanent Champion daughters. Betty’s pedigree also contains ++B Windsor Manor AA Victor who has 16 Permanent Champion daughters as well as two Top Ten Daughters; and GCH Willow Run Stormfront Stuck Up, son of GCH Willow Run Ritesdfred Snuggle 92(EEEE) Reserve Best Udder in 2008. Betty came to live with us when she was 8 years old and kidded that year with an udder that looked like she was a 3 year old. What a lovely old girl she is!
Beatrice's sire, Arlo, has a deep pedigree with National Show winners, Top Ten Milkers, and Permanent Champions on both sides. Arlo’s mother, GCH Arlena, is 3rd generation GCH and LA score of 90+. Arlo’s sire’s dam is 3rd generation SGCH, appraisal score of 91 or higher, and a Top Ten lactation. Arlo’s sire’s full sister SGCH des Ruhigestelle Elenya 10*M was the 2017 National Champion. Arlo has been an incredible buck for us. We have 3 daughters in milk who have appraised 88-90 as young milkers and they have earned milking legs with much competition. Please click on Arlofor lots of pics and information on his family.

Betty’s littermate sister is Keach Manor KHSD Mercy Me 5*M who also appraised 91 and is dam to our 2 year old first fresheners Melody and Molina. Beatrice’s sire is *B Kickadee Hill All About Arlo, which makes Beatrice a full genetic sibling to Melody and Molina. As a two year old first freshener who was less than 2 months fresh, Melody earned 2 milking legs and 1 Best In Show award at the Carrollton show. With the pandemic and shows few and far between, there were 618 total entries. It was also our first show out in 5 years. What a thrill for us!

Beatrice has more than an exciting family. She is a beauty in her own right. Beatrice earned her dry leg as a dry yearling. Beatrice is stylish, and is graceful and smooth on the move. She is long and level and has pretty feet and legs. Beatrice is one who will catch your eye when you are leaning on the fence looking at the herd. I expect that Beatrice will make her family proud.

Beatrice at 6 months old

Beatrice at one year old
Beatrice on the day she earmed her dry leg

Beatrice at 2 years old

GCH Keach Manor KHSD Nurse Betty
5*M 5-01 91(VEEE)
As a 2 year old first freshener


GCH Keach Manor KHSD Nurse Betty 5*M 5-01 91(VEEE)
Betty at 12 years old!

 Beatrice’s full genetic sister Kickadee Hill AAA Miss Melody
 Best in Show as a 2 year old first freshener June 2020

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